Day 1 of 7 days of Lovely Logic

by | May 15, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Hello Adventurers,

The problem that most people have with moving on is holding on to their pasts, as people we always remember the good times over the bad times, and as times heals it also makes the past that much less clearer. Making all the bad seem not so bad, maybe it is time we started thinking of the past that may be hunting us now for the bad it really it. Noting thinking of the good times but the bad times in order to move on with our lives.

Good always trumps evil

That is just the fact, the good is always warmer, brighter and makes us think the situation was not so bad so maybe we can sleep better or feel better about the decisions we made that landed us in this place of reflecting on our past in the present. Allowing our yesterday to claim our today, and possibly our tomorrow. The situation or people that landed us here today are not here to suffer with us, you will be alone in fixing any situation in your life whether it involved other people or not. The past is the past and as much as we want to relive those moments, that will never happen. Time does not move backwards, our lives only move forward and out attitudes about that can be different. We can learn from our past, think of it for the bad it was, and always remember the bad over the good.

Self Reflection

A year ago I was at a very different point in my life, and I have been thinking, looking back because I am not perfect and I too look back on my past with fond memories and plenty of regrets. The different is, as of today writing this post, I am looking back with a different prospective of seeing the bad for what it was, I am not so fond of that past. I was just about to start my first semester at FIU for the summer, which all happened because of an electric mishap that caused my transcript from my old school to not be sent out on time for the spring semester. My job had cut my hours, and I was looking for a new job while living off my saving and going broke. I had moved in with my now ex who was becoming less and less affectionate by the day and the only good thing I had left to look forward to was my baby brother’s high school graduation.

Ooh, you should see the optimistic person I was, and I won’t lie, I am still very optimistic but now I don’t give people the benefit of the doubt. I thought everything was going to work out but it didn’t, my relationship depressed me and I became less adventures, more home body, and very insecure for the first time in my life. I didn’t feel beautiful because the one person I had eyes for didn’t show me interest but I was committed, and my loyalty was in the relationship. It was hard getting back into school with my home life, and my work life on the rocks. I went though the motions, and tried to see the good in everything and everyone. All those areas of my life are different now, I spent the last four months looking back trying to figure out where things went wrong and looking at the good but the true reality is that the good was very little. I commit my loyalty to people like my ex too quickly which is not good for me, and that is a very valuable lesson I learned this past year.

My past is not a bright beautiful rainbow, I will not let it spoil my future but rather I will learn from it and remember it.

My advice starting off this week is

Don’t overshadow your past with all the beautiful moments and forget the nightmares.

Admitting that your past was less than perfect and looking forward to a brighter future is a way of making peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your future.



Written by katongo

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