Be proud of who you are

by | May 1, 2016 | Inspiration, Reading | 0 comments

Happy Sunday Adventurers 

Today I want you to think about what you consider success then look at yourself and your life.

After careful thought, take your time you have all day, ask yourself “Am I truly successful or do I just like to look successful.” 

You know your standard for success, and only you can tell yourself if you have reached that standard.

Many people consider having money success, in reality not everyone cares about having plenty of money. Some people just want to be comfortable and provide for their families. Remember success comes in different ways, don’t beat yourself up if you are not money successful yet. Keep working at it while you reflect on other areas in your life that are successful.People have:

Family success

Career success 

Health success 

Friendship success 

Talent success 

And the list goes on, you may already be successful in some area you undermine. Don’t focus so much on being money successful, and compare yourself to others. We all reach our success at different points of our lives. Keep working at it and stop focusing on looking successful, that time can be spent on working on getting successful, and one day you won’t have to worry about looking successful. You will be successful.

Start your Sunday reevaluating the way you look at success, how you potray your success to others, and end it with a plan that uses your energy on being successful. 


I have some success in my life, but no where near the kind of success that will make me content. 

I have family success, I get along with my family members and I love them all dearly. It has not always been this way, mostly with my parents. I can honestly say I never thought we would get here, a place where I can tell both of them I love them and I can’t see my life without them in it.

I have some financial success, I own a house. It is a mobile home, not my dream house but it is mine and it’s a roof over my head. I am very proud of that, it allows me to keep working on my financial success and I would rather live in my home over some fancy apartment trying to look successful for others. People will look say nice how successful but they don’t struggle with you, my mother has always taught me to live below my means. I do that, and I can sleep in peace with some money in my bank. 

That is the best advice I have ever received when it comes to finances. I live below my means and I am happy, I can do things like golf because I have the extra to do so. 

Maybe you have something you would like to do more of but have an expensive car payment or some other payments that you are struggling to make, ask yourself if something lesser will do the job and make that change. If you drive a Benz I will look and say how nice but trust me I won’t be thinking about it an hour from now, you may as well have been driving a Kia. 

The only person expensive decisions we can’t afford affect is us, not the people looking. So don’t focus on trying to look successful.

Happy Sunday

Written by katongo

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