Change starts today

by | May 4, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Hump day Adventurers

Not every one is meant to be President, CEO, Entrepreneur, Attorney , or Doctor. Some people are content with where they are in life and would like to stay there, while some strive everyday for success or that degree that will give them success. Think about yourself and what makes you content, if you look back on your life ten years from now would you be happy being exactly where you are today? I would not be, and maybe you are like me or maybe you are happy where you are right now. Both of those  positions are good, what is important today is whether you are working on maintaining your happiness so you can be in the same position in the future, and for those looking to change, whether you are taking the necessary steps to change. Change starts today, if you think about the past. You either met a deadline because you worked on it, or you missed it because you chose not to work on it.

That’s the difference between people who start working on changing, and maintain success and happiness, they choose to change.

They choose to build habits that will make them successful and happy, the best step you can take today is choose. Choose to change something you would like to see a difference in.

Self Reflection

Today I woke up feeling both motivated and lazy, which is quite a struggle. Part of me wanted to get up right when I woke up and part of me wanted to sleep longer. So I slept in an extra hour, which is why this post didn’t make the 8am slot. My struggle today is not rare, I wake up either motivated or lazy and I am not alone out here. Many people have that struggle, even the people that have jobs to go to just want to sleep in a little longer. After I woke up an hour later, the extra hour I spent in bed not really sleeping but looking on my phone, and closing my eyes here and there, I felt guilty for wasting an hour. Then I started thinking about my life, I have always heard people say you have to start making changes today, and everyday I try to make a change or do something to build a habit. But would I be happy being in the same place in my life ten or even five years from now?

No. I would not be happy looking back on my life ten years from now and not seeing significant change. I have higher hopes and dreams for myself and my life. I have parts of my life that are wonderful, my family life for example, that part I maintain and will continue to work on maintaining my family relationships. My education, my career, and my lifestyle, that I continue to work on everyday.

Count your blessing, and maintain them while you build your success. Never tear down walls or burn bridges on your way to the top. Success won’t be fun if you lost all the meaningful genuine people that would be appreciating it with you.



Written by katongo

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