Day 2 of 7 days of lovely logic

by | May 16, 2016 | Inspiration | 1 comment

Hello Adventurers

Plenty of people believe in Jesus and so do I, so in today’s post I will involve Jesus.

Not everyone loves or even likes Jesus and he is the only perfect person to step on the face of the earth, so ask yourself do you really think that everyone is going to think warm thoughts of you every time or even at all? No, and that is none of your business. Let people think what they want to think, let people hate you if they please and let them love you if they choose too. I always say at the end of the day I was born alone, will die alone, and will be buried alone. It may be a harsh way of looking at things but it is the truth, yes we may influence how people view us and think of us but again think of Jesus.

Not everyone loves Jesus. Not everyone will love you.

You can’t live your life for other people to think warm thoughts about you because you will never please everyone in your path. Live your life to the fullest, helping people you can help, and staying away from those who wish you harm.

Live your life for yourself in the best way you know how and don’t worry about what others think of you. It is none of your business. Be happy with your choices not because someone approves of them but because you approve of them. You will be alone in your regrets if you live your life trying to please others and what they think of you.

You have to live your life to the fullest in the best moral or immoral way that pleases your soul.

Self Reflection

I rarely worry about what others think of me; from a young age I learned that people can’t be pleased. Growing up in Zambia, I moved from relative to relative as my parents where in the United State. For a young child I wondered why no one wanted to keep my brothers, cousins, and I, it was not like we were bad children. After moving from a few homes I learned that these nothing I can do to change how people think of me. Family or not, people will judge, people will hate, and people will love you, and you have no control over that. The faster you learn that lesson the faster you start to live life for yourself. I chose to love myself, think warm thoughts about myself, and that’s the only opinion that matters. Because of this I know that

No one will love me more than I love me, no one will hate me more than I can hate myself sometimes, and no one can think worse of me than I can think of myself.

This viewpoint makes everyone’s thoughts and opinions of me irrelevant.



Written by katongo

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1 Comment

  1. Golden

    Hey this is a good piece. Am impressed.


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