Day 3 of 7 days of lovely logic 

by | May 17, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Time is a wonderful and miserable concept, we can treasure the time we have and spend it wisely or we can waste our time and regret in for the rest of time. We can never get our time back, precious time, time can never be replaced, it can hurt us and it can heal us. In today’s post I will be talking about how time can heal us, because if we are patient and give time some time will we be reward with time well spent.

Have you ever spent your time doing something that ended up being a complete waste of time, what did you do after you realized that you had wasted good time that would have been spent doing something else?

Many people like myself spend the time regretting, but not just any kind of regret. The kind which we wish we would go back, then we ponder on the thing more important than what we did. Is this really the right way in which to spend the current time we have, the present time which we will regret in the future as we will think of the things we would have been doing instead of thinking about the past we can not change.  This is the cycle that prevents people from moving forward and I won’t lie, I have been in that cycle lately. Time will heal us, the past starts to fade in our memories slowly and before we know it, the one thing that was killing us at the moment will seem like a distant past that we may even laugh about.

It doesn’t seem that way but we do have to give time some time, time is a cycle in our memories. The longer we ponder on something the more it is in our present. Lets learn to move on by preplacing the thought of wasted time with the thought of our future and what we can do now to improve.

Self- Reflection

I have been making one simple mistake with time lately, I have been replaying my last relationship in my head and wondering when things went wrong. Should I have walked away sooner, or when I should have never entertained certain things and behaviors. Was I too passive, too nice, too blinded. All these things are regrets I wish I did not have because without them I would have already moved on by now. I am making the mistake of making my past my present, and in turn not letting time heal me. I am not giving time some time because everyday I am bringing myself to that betray.

I know eventually time will heal me, and this will seem like a distant horrible past. But right now it does not, I am not telling anyone how they should heal. We are all very different people, and our healing will be different and unique, but the one thing we all have in common is time. Time does not go back for any of us, we do the best with what we have. I am a true believer in crying when it hates, this helps me every time. Let it out, and you will feel better, spend less time crying it out than holding it in and letting it take up your whole day.

As we work on healing and letting time heal us, let us remember the present. It is here now, and the past will never be given back to use.

In relation to this post, visit the first post in this week’s series

Make peace with your past so it doesn’t spoil your present




Written by katongo

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