Get To Know Me Tag

by | May 1, 2016 | Reading | 0 comments

Hello Adventurers

I have been working on starting a YouTube channel for months now, I have a ton of video footage I need to edit to start this new adventure. I just never seem to find the right way to start. So I was looking into starting with a few tag videos to introduce myself when I ran into Ysis Lorenna‘s get to know me post. So here goes, I little about me.

1. Are you named after anyone?

Yes, I was told that I was named after my grandmother from my father’s side. I never met her, she died before I was born. I have never seen a picture of her, and I would love to.

2. When was the last time you cried?

Yesterday at work when I was doing vitals on my patients. It’s funny looking back, I was going between rooms trying to pull myself together lol. I recently went though a break-up with the man I thought I was going to spend a long time with. I think deep down I knew it was going to happen, he became distant and I felt like I was the one holding the relationship together. He cheated, broke my heart, never apologized, and somehow I still find myself having these emotional moments of pain and tears.

3. Do you have kids?

No. I do not have kids.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself?

Probably not just because I don’t have friends, but I would love to think so. I have a few friends I hung out with but none I consider my best friends nor do they consider me their best friend. I would love to have some close friends, my ex was my closest friend, and after our break-up it has opened my eyes on how friendship less my life is.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot?

No, and I can not stand people who are overly sarcastic.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump?

Probably not, I do not like heights lol these a reason God made me short. I am always growing, so maybe that will change and I will bungee-jump someday.

7. What’s your favorite cereal?

Cheerios Honey Oats, with a sliced banana

8. What’s the first thing you notice about people?

I don’t know, I have never had to think about it. I will update this once I think more about it.

9. What is your eye colour?

Red, but in the last couple of months I have been really into Peach.

10. Scary movie or happy endings?

Happy endings, I am a hopeless romantic.

11. Favorite smells?

Fruity, I love the smell of fruits. And my parfum, J’adore by Dior

12. Summer or winter?

Summer, I am hot temperature girl.

13. Computer or television?

Computer, hands down. I can not live without my Macbook.

14. What’s the furthest you’ve ever been from home?

Here in the United States, I am from Zambia and will always consider that home. I am 7,786 miles from home.

15. Do you have any special talents?

Sadly no, I am a jack of all trades. I am working on perfecting some talent, and in “jack of all trades” fashion I have to pick which one lol hard choice.

16. Where were you born?

Kabwe, Zambia

17. What are your hobbies?

Golf and Writing.

18. Do you have any pets?

No. But I would love a teacup all black dog.

19. Favorite movie?

Pride and Prejudice, and The Proposal. You should see me watch a romantic movie, I’m a squeaking smiling little girl.

20. Do you have any siblings?

Yes. Three wonderful brothers I would give the world to.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up?

An Attorney. Working in corporate law, hedge fund. If not corporate then I would love to work in public service.


I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little more, if you have any questions, would love me to review any products or talk about a topic let me know in the comments.



Written by katongo

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