Self motivation

by | May 2, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Good Morning Adventurers and Happy Monday,

Yesterday we talked about being actually successful or just looking successful, and today as we begin the week, we will continue to talk about success.

Self motivation is what will are going to fill our minds with today.

Are you self motivation or do you just like to think so? Be honest with yourself, we are here to acknowledge and improve.

Do you procrastinate?

Do you lack motivation is general?

Let’s be honest, you can’t answer yes to some of these questions and no to others. If you are not self motivated at work, you are likely not self motivated in other areas and chances are you leave things for the last minute.

You can change, it’s possible to build and maintain self motivation but you have to be willing to, the only person who holds you back is you.

Self Reflection 

Hopefully my self reflection will help you in finding what makes you motivated or what can help you change.

For as long as I can remember I used to bite my nails, it was a bad habit that I didn’t quit until senior year of high school. One day I decided it was enough and I just stopped. For years my mother had tried to make me stop, I remember having chili put on my nails but it help and I didn’t quit. I would bite my nails so bad my finger tips would bleed and hurt for days.

So what motivated me to stop?

Me, Myself, and I.

I made the choice and I stuck to it, yes these times when I wanted to bite my nails but I didn’t. Sometimes I gave in, but I always stopped myself, and even today when I’m stressed I will bite my nails but I always stop myself. I made a choice, I disciplined myself to that choice, and I turned a bad habit into a good habit.

By stopping the biting of my nails I learned an important lesson,

I can motivate myself in any area of my life so long as I choose to

No person on the face of the earth can motivate you to get off your butt and do something. You have to make the choice to do so, you can watch motivational speakers all you want, you can read motivational quotes all day long but if “you” don’t do something nothing is going to change in your life.

I am a procrastinator and my motivation is not where I want or need it to be. I recently started going to the gym, and I have been regular about it, I have been motivated to go for myself by myself. The days I don’t go like yesterday are due to my procrastination, I either say I will go later or I left an assignment for the last minute. I never used to be motivated to go to the gym but now I am, and I am proud of that. It has reminded me of a lesson I learned in high school with my nails, now I am on a mission to conquer my procrastination. I will have some victories and I will have some losses but in the end I will be successful in being motivated to finish my work long before it’s due because I know how great it feels to accomplish even one task.

I am not perfect and neither are you, I need my small victories to remind me that I can will the war.

Today, think about some thing you accomplished by being self motivated. Some thing you overcame due to having conviction, and remember

if you can do it once you can do it again

If you can’t think of any such moment then pick something you would like to change or do, something small. Work on doing that this week, it’s Monday, it’s a good day to start. Maybe you want to go to the gym three times, look at your schedule for the week, pick the days that work and block them out. If you don’t have a gym membership go to the park and walk but try not to make an excuse. If you like someone tell them, ask if they are in a relationship or not, if not say ” I have feelings for you, I don’t know if you feel the same, and if you don’t that is fine.”

The thing about pushing yourself is you have to be ready to fail and do it again because the only person there to push you and pick you up is YOU.


Written by katongo

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