Trying is winning 

by | May 3, 2016 | Inspiration | 0 comments

Ever hear someone say just try?

I have heard it a million times, and it is true. In life sometimes we just have to try. Many of us give up before we try for fear of the unknown, but is it truly wroth living your life wondering if you should have tried harder, if you shouldn’t have given up when it got a little too much or out of your comfort level. Nothing in life is ever handed to us, even the things that do come easy have to be worked for. The difference is those things are in our comfort level so they seem in reach. The harder accomplishments we want to make are the same way, they are just a little further to reach but they are not out of reach. That is the topic for today’s inspiration.

Think of anything that may change your life or not that you have given up on because it was out of your comfort level. Think about whether or not it truly was out of your reach or if you gave up just a little too soon. Things would be different if you hadn’t given up, maybe you would have that successful job if you hadn’t given up. Maybe you would have the partner of your dreams in your life if you had just tried. We give up on many things in life without trying because giving up is always easier than going after what we want.

You may not want to go after something you gave up because of the time that has passed, and that I fully understand. But before you give up again while you are thinking about it now, I want you to think about the time that has passed since you gave up trying to that one thing. Now think about the rest of your life, you have a great many nights in your life left, and if that one thing can come up now then it is not going to go away. That means that the rest of your life will be spent thinking more about the time that has gone by and saying I can’t do it now. The same reason you are thinking now, that is regret, and regretting things in your life because you never tried is not a good way to live out your life.

So today stop and think of something you gave up on and try, try and try again until you have given it your all. The most successful people tried and failed many times before they got it right, otherwise I wouldn’t have lights in my house had Sir Thomas Edison stopped trying.

Maybe you want to go back to school, do it.

Maybe you want to start a business, do it.

Maybe you want to make amends, do it.

Maybe you want to try something new, then do it.

Try, try, try and try again because giving up is always easier.

Self Reflection

Like any other person I too have given up on some things in life, less than a year ago I was thinking of taking a detour on my career goals but as I write this today, I have come to realize that time keeps moving. I do not want to spend my life thinking I should have done this or that. This blog is one of those things, I bought the domain for this blog back in 2013 or 2012, and until last year 2015 I did not publish anything meaningful. During those few years that I did not publish anything I thought about my blog, I was paying to renew it every year and each time I would say this year I will write more but I never did. Spending my time doing something else was easier, even though I had the time and I had many topics I wanted to write about not forgetting my love of writing.

We give up even on the things we love

The one aspect of today’s topic I hope you take alway is,

Don’t give up just because it’s easier. Fight blood, sweat, and tears for what you love, and want to accomplish.



Written by katongo

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