What is LOVE

by | Feb 3, 2016 | Reading | 0 comments

Hello Adventurers

Recently with troubles in one of my relationships I have been thinking of what love means. No one is perfect, and no relationship is perfect. I can definitely say that I have never had a perfect relationship in my life not even with my family. Being a somewhat religious person, I have always found the bible’s description of love to be an excellent example. 

1 Corinthians 13: 4-8

LOVE is patient 

LOVE is kind 

LOVE is not jealous 

LOVE does not brag

LOVE does not get puffed up

LOVE does not behave indecently 

LOVE does not look for its own interests 

LOVE does not become provoked

LOVE does not keep account of the injury

LOVE does not rejoice over unrighteousness 

LOVE rejoices with truth

LOVE bears all things 

LOVE believes all things 

LOVE hopes all things 

LOVE endures all things 


We all deal with woes in our lives very differently. Communication is key, but effective communication can not happen if both people are not ready. I personally tend to shy away from confrontation until I have all my thoughts together. It is better to sleep on things for a while than say something you will regret in anger. 

We can always come back from our mistakes with love, but that does not mean we have to step on the other person’s trust and respect. No one was born with all the knowledge and experience in the world, we learn as we go. 

Love is many great things if you find the right person to love us back. 

Love is many pains with the wrong person. 

It is not always love, sometimes it is the idea of love and relationship that keeps us where we do not belong. 

Love the people that love you back in all the right ways. 



Written by katongo

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